• November 22, 2011: Our paper A refined MS-EVB model for proton transport in aqueous environments is accepted
in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
• October 31, 2011: Francesco is the seminar speaker at the University of Utah.
• September 5, 2011: Our paper Hydrogen bond dynamics in heavy water studied with quantum dynamical
simulations is accepted in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics as part of the themed issue Physics and chemistry
of water and ice.
• August 28 - September 1, 2011: Francesco is a speaker at the ACS National Meeting in Denver.
• August 13, 2011: Our research on aerosol chemistry is funded by the Environmental Chemical Science program of
the Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation.
• August 8, 2011: Good luck to Jason who is moving to University of Indiana, Bloomington, for his Ph.D.
• August 1, 2011: Porter joins our group.
• July 14, 2011: Our research on aerosol chemistry is highlighted in the press release describing the computationally
most intensive studies that are currently performed on Trestles, one of the high-performance computing clusters of
NSF Teragrid / XSEDE.
• June 27-29, 2011: Francesco is a speaker at the CECAM workshop on Liquid/solid interfaces: Structure and
dynamics from spectroscopy and simulations.
• May 30, 2011: Congratulations to Jason on earning his M.S. degree!
• April 30, 2011: Nico attends the Undergraduate Research Conference at UC San Diego where he presents his
work on quantum molecular dynamics approaches for GPUs.
• March 1, 2011: Our group joins the Graduate Program in Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering.
• February 19, 2011: In collaboration with the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), our group hosts a SMART
(Students Modeling a Research Topic) event in our lab with students of El Capitan High School and High Tech
High North County.
• February 1, 2011: Our project on the computational modeling of aerosol chemistry in collaboration with Andy Götz
and Ross Walker at SDSC is highlighted in the UC San Diego newsletter.
• January 31, 2011: Our group is awarded an allocation of computing time on the Triton cluster at the San Diego
Supercomputer Center (SDSC) through the Triton Research Opportunities (TRO) program. Our group is teaming up
with scientists at SDSC to develop new QM/MM approaches to study heterogeneous physicochemical processes
on aerosols.
• January 29, 2011: In collaboration with the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), our group hosts a SMART
(Students Modeling a Research Topic) event in our lab with students of Francis Parker and Mt. Empire High
• January 19, 2011: Our paper Temperature-dependent infrared spectroscopy of water from a first principles
approach is accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
• January 14, 2011: Kyoyeon joins our group.
© Paesani Research Group. All rights reserved.
News 2011