News 2016
© Paesani Research Group. All rights reserved.
• December 6, 2016: Francesco gives the Physical Chemistry seminar about our many-body molecular dynamics
methodology at GeorgiaTech.
• November 6, 2016: Francesco presents our group research at the Center for the Computational Design of
Functional Layered Materials at Temple University.
• October 31, 2016: Our article On the accuracy of the MB-pol many-body potential for water: Interaction energies,
is accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics.
• October 23-26, 2016: Francesco is an invited speaker at the 4th International Conference on Molecular
Simulation in Shanghai.
• October 18, 2016: Karl and Shelby present their research at the Frontiers of Innovation Scholar Program (FISP)
• September 28, 2016: Our article Spin crossover in the {Fe(pz)[Pt(CN)4]} metal-organic framework upon pyrazine
adsorption is accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
• September 27, 2016: Francesco is the speaker for the Physical Chemistry Seminar at Yale University.
• September 11-15, 2016: Huy and Francesco present our group research at MOF 2016.
• September 1, 2016: Sandra joins our group.
• August 23, 2016: Francesco receives of the 2016 Early Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry from the Division of
Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society.
• August 22, 2016: Shelby is the recipient of the GAANN fellowship from the Department of Education.
• August 22, 2016: Our article i-TTM model for ab initio-based ion-water interaction potentials. II. Alkali metal
ion–water potential energy functions is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
• August 15, 2016: Our research gets funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
• August 11, 2016: Our article Getting the right answers for the right reasons: Toward predictive molecular
simulations of water with many-body potential energy functions is accepted for publication in Accounts of Chemical
• August 5, 2016: Shelby wins the poster competition and gives a talk at the Gordon Research Conference Water
• July 31 - August 5, 2016: Francesco is a discussion leader and Shelby is a poster presenter at the Gordon
Research Conference Water and aqueous solutions.
• July 17 - 22, 2016: Francesco is a speaker and Dan a poster presenter at the Gordon Research Conference
• July 12 - 15, 2016: Pushp and Marc are speakers at the TSRC workshop Many-body interactions: From quantum
• July 11, 2016: Lauren joins our group as part of the Research Scholars Program of UC San Diego.
• July 10 - 15, 2016: Francesco is a speaker at the Gordon Research Conference Molecular interactions and
• July 7 - 8, 2016: Francesco is the speaker for the Computational Chemistry and Materials Science Lectures at the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
• June 21 - July 1, 2016: Francesco is a speaker at the TSRC workshops Nonlinear optics at interfaces and
• June 20, 2016: Jude and Gerardo join our group as part of CAICE and STARS Summer Research Programs.
• May 18 - 20, 2016: Francesco is a speaker at CPMD 2016 at the University of Chicago.
• May 5, 2016: Our article Toward chemical accuracy in the representation of ion-water interactions through
many-body representations. I. Halide-water dimer potential energy surfaces is accepted for publication in the
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.
• May 4, 2016: Our article Molecular mechanisms of spin crossover in the {Fe(pz)Pt[CN]4} metal-organic
framework upon water adsorption is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
• May 2, 2016: Santosh joins our group.
• April 29, 2016: Our article Modeling molecular interactions in water: From pairwise to many-body potential
energy functions is accepted for publication in Chemical Reviews.
• April 23, 2016: Our article Exploring electrostatic effects on the hydrogen bond network of liquid water through
many-body molecular dynamics is accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
• April 14, 2016: Francesco gives the Greater Boston Area Theoretical Chemistry Lecture.
• April 1, 2016: Gianmarc joins our group.
• March 28, 2016: Debbie, Renee, Minyue and Sara join our group.
• March 13 - 17, 2016: Our group is at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego.
• March 4, 2016: Our article Dissecting the molecular structure of the air/water interface from quantum simulations
of the sum-frequency generation spectrum is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical
• February 5, 2016: Our article The effects of framework dynamics on the behavior of water adsorbed in the
[Zn(l-L)(Cl)] and Co-MOF-74 metal–organic frameworks is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical
• February 2, 2016: Shelby is the recipient of the Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Program (FISP) Fellowship from
UC San Diego.
• January 26, 2016: Francesco is the recipient of the Early Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry from the Division
of Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society.
• January 22, 2016: Our joint theoretical-experimental article Molecular insight into the proton transport in a highly
conductive porous Zr-based metal-organic framework is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie
International Edition.
• January 19, 2016: Our joint proposal with Chris Knight, at Argonne National Lab, for optimizing our code for
MB-MD simulations is selected for funding.