Paesani Research Group

Laboratory for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at UC San Diego  

News 2024

© Paesani Research Group. All rights reserved.

• January 5: We welcome undergraduate student Benjamin Savala and graduate students Jiwon Huh, Suman Saha,

  and Vibhu Singh.

• January 21-26: Francesco is a speaker at the Gordon Research Conference Chemical Separations.

• January 31: Francesco is the speaker for the Physical Chemistry Seminar at UC Irvine.

• February 2: Etienne is has been awarded the ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship and will spend the fall quarter

  doing research in the group of Prof. Stefan Vučkovic at the University of Fribourg.

• February 4-9: Francesco is a speaker at the Gordon Research Conference Molecular and Ionic Clusters.

• February 14: Francesco is the speaker for the Physical Chemistry Seminar at CSU Long Beach.

• February 19: Our article Molecular insights into the influence of ions on the water structure. I. Alkali metal ions in

  solution appears in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

• February 27: Francesco is the speaker for the Physical Chemistry Seminar at Rutgers University.

• March 1: We hold the annual meeting for our AFOSR MURI project "Unraveling the Mechanisms of Ice

  Nucleation and Anti-Icing Through an Integrated Multiscale Approach".

• March 1: Our article Molecular driving forces for water adsorption in MOF-808: A comparative analysis with UiO-66

  appears in The Journal of Chemical Physics.

• March 3-8: Etienne, Ching-Hwa, and Francesco present our research at the National Meeting of the American

  Physical Society.

• March 8: Our article Monitoring water harvesting in metal–organic frameworks, one water molecule at a time

  appears in Chemical Science.

• March 15: Yaoguang graduates and embarks on a new journey at Amazon as a software engineer. Congratulations!

• March 17-21: Francesco presents our research at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.

• March 26: Our article Cooperative interactions with water drive hysteresis in a hydrophilic metal–organic framework

  in collaboration with the Dincă group at MIT appears in Chemistry of Materials.

• April 8: Our article Many-body interactions and deep neural network potentials for water appears in the Journal of

  Chemical Physics.

• April 16: Etienne is nominated UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellow.

• April 17: Our article Monitoring water harvesting in metal-organic frameworks, one water molecule at a time is

  featured in ChemistryWorld.  

• April 27: Etienne shares his experience as a US-Mexico transborder students with STEM from Podcast.

• May 8: Our article Pinpointing the location of the elusive liquid-liquid critical point in water is posted on ChemRxiv.

• May 21: Benjamin presents his research on nuclear quantum effects in ion hydration at the Undergraduate

  Research Conference as part of his McNair Fellowship.

• May 21: Roya receives the Dean's Undergraduate Excellence Award for her research on ion hydration.

• May 25-30: Francesco presents our research on supercooled water at WaterX.

• June 1-7: Cianna, Richa, Xuanyu, Ethan, and Henry pass their qualifyng exams.

• June 5: Ching-Hwa graduates.

• June 6: Our article Nuclear quantum effects and the Grotthuss mechanism dictate the pH of liquid water is posted

  on ChemRxiv.

• June 10-21: Our groups organizes the Summer Workshop on Molecular Simulations at Louisiana State University

   in collaboration with Prof. Revati Kumar (Lousiana State University) and Dr. Chris Knight (Argonne National Lab /

   The University of Chicago).

• June 16-21: Francesco presents our research on quantum dynamics and tunneling in aqeuous systems at the XXI

   International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling Systems (QAMTS2024) in San Sebastian.

• June 18: Francesco presents our research on data-driven many-body simulations at nanoGUNE.

• June 23-28: Francesco presents our research on the phase behavior of water as predicted by our MB-pol  

  data-driven many-body potential at the XXII Symposium on Thermophysical Properties and XVIII International

  Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam in Boulder.

• June 24-28: Suman and Vibhu give their lectures on our data-driven many-body potentials and their applications to

  water harvesting, carbon capture, seawater mining, and ion transport using MOFs at the Quantum Multiscale

  School at Boise State University.

• June 29 - July 1: Francesco presents our research on data-driven many-body potentials at the 2024 International

  Symposium on Computational Molecular Science and Machine Learning at New York University Shanghai.

• June 30 - July 5: Etienne attends the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

• July 3: Francesco gives a seminar on data-driven many-body simulations and their applications to water harvesting

  using MOFs at Westlake University.

• July 5: Francesco gives a seminar on data-driven many-body potentials and their extensions to density functional

  theory at Peking University.

• July 9: Francesco gives a seminar on data-driven many-body simulations at the Institute of Chemistry of the

  Chinese Academy of Sciences.

• July 10: Francesco visits DP Technology in Beijing.

• July 17: Our group hosts John Pederson from the McDaniel group (Georgia Tech) who presents his work on the  

  QM/MM/PME method, and latest developments in the PyDFT-QMMM software.

• July 15-19: Francesco presents our research on water harvesting using MOFs at the 9th International Conference

  on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds.

• July 21-26: Jiwon, Henry, and Xuanyu present their research on data-driven many-body simulations at the GRC

  Water and Aqueous Solutions.

• July 28-30: Benjamin presents his research on nuclear quantum effects in ion hydration at the McNair Conference

  at UC Los Angeles.

• August 4-9: Richa presents her research on vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy of the ice surface at the GRC

  Vibrational Spectroscopy.

• August 13: Our article Current status of the MB-pol data-driven many-body potential for predictive simulations of

  water across different phases is posted on ChemRxiv.

• August 14-15: Benjamin presents his research on nuclear quantum effects in ion hydration at the Summer

  Research Conference at UC San Diego.

• August 18-22: Yuanhui presents his research on charge transport in COFs and Francesco presents our MBX

  software for data-driven many-body simulations at the ACS National Meeting in Denver.

• August 23: Cianna combines simulations with deep learning tools to design protein binders for human EGFR,

  which will be tested by Adaptyv Bio as part of their protein design competition.

• August 25-30: Saswata and Vikrant attend the Quantum Multiscale Hackathon at Boise State University where

  they present our research on density-corrected DFT and QM/MB approaches.

• August 27-29: Francesco presents our research on data-driven many-body potentials for aqueous solutions at the

  CECAM workshop "Machine Learning Potentials: From Interfaces to Solution".

• September 16: Jiwon and Suman present our research at the incoming Graduate Student Orientation poster


• October 4: Francesco is named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in recognition of his work on data-driven

  many-body potentials for aqueous systems.

• October 5: Hilliary and Henry are among the winners of the best poster awards at the Southern California

  Theoretical Chemistry Symposium.

• October 10-12: Francesco presents our research on the representation of many-body interactions using machine  

  learning methods at the CECAM workshop "Expanding the Impact of Molecular Simulations by Integrating Machine

  Learning with Statistical Mechanics".

• October 11: Saswata receives the Spring 2025 Wiley Outstanding Postdoc Award from the Division of Computers

  in Chemistry of the American Chemical Society.

• October 22: Our article Dissecting the molecular structure of the air/ice interface from quantum simulations of the

  sum-frequency generation spectrum is posted on ChemRxiv.

• October 27-31: Saswata, Yuanhui, and Vibhu present our research at the AIChE National Meeting in San Diego.

• November 21: Our article Revealing water structure at neutral and charged graphene/water interfaces through

  quantum simulations of sum-frequency generation spectra is posted on ChemRxiv.

• November 22: Yuanhui presents his research on selective metal ion extraction from dilute aqueous solutions using

  MOFs at the quarterly Student Research Seminar organized by the Chemistry Graduate Student Council.

• December 26: Our article MBX v1.2: Accelerating data-driven many-body molecular dynamics simulations is

  posted on ChemRxiv.

• December 30: Our article Dissecting the molecular structure of the air/ice interface from quantum simulations of the

  sum-frequency generation spectrum is accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.